The world has moved beyond the true wireless earbuds! The new-age technology for sound enhancement has helped people try alternative devices for calls and music experiences. Specialized wireless earphones with bone conduction technology are garnering attention. The bone conduction headphones have developed deep-seated roots in the hearing aid industry, and it is taking over the world as well! Do you not have a clarified overview of the product? Read on and know better.
About bone conduction earphone
A bone conduction headphone is wireless and it rests on the user’s cheekbones. Unlike the conventional headphones and TWS earbuds, the eardrum is not at all involved in the process. The sound does not vibrate on the drums and passes the beat to the cochlea. Instead, the audio vibrations travel via bone conduction and reach the cochlea. The audio transfer technology is apt for people with hearing deficiencies and all users.
The popularity quotient – With growing time, more people are appreciating the audio output of bone conduction headphones. Gradually, it is becoming the champion of technology for safety reasons. Also, it is a practical choice for the users. One can be aware of the surroundings without letting the noise disturb the audio quality. Especially for activewear, it is critical to remain alert and hear the sounds surrounding you. The bond transfer technique helps you uncover the eardrums and ear canal, without compromising the audio experience. Convenience is another prime aspect that makes bone-conduction earphones ideal. Conventional earbuds and earphones can interfere with the audio experience with noise issues but the bone conduction headphones bypass such hassles.
Earphone users and listeners who are deaf in one ear can also enjoy the feel of stereo sound. It is impossible with the traditional in-ear devices. Bone conduction headphones offer a sense of hearing to deaf users.
A practical choice for users
Immersing yourself in the audio world without being aware of the surrounding sound increases the risk of an accident. It can help you relax but it is not ideal to close off the surrounding sound. It makes you prone to accidents because you are less likely to hear the horns of cars, trains, bicycle bells, etc. With the new-age bone conduction headphones, one can enjoy the best sound without neglecting the surrounding audio. It helps you remain in touch with the world, making it a practical choice.
It clings perfectly – An activewear for all.
Bone conduction headphones are the best picks for those involved in sports activities. Wireless headphones are sport-friendly, but they may fall from the ear. Also, the sweat and humidity can impact the earbuds and headphones. The modern earphone is resilient and makes the apt choice for various activities. Also, these are stable devices that cling to the cheekbones perfectly. You do not have to worry about the earphones falling from the eardrums. The integrated body structure acts as the perfect tool to keep the device in its place no matter how you move! Simply put, they will stick to the ears firmly and follow the rhythm of your body while you run or walk.
Enhanced audio performance
Bone conduction utilizes a mature technology for audio enhancement. You would be surprised to learn that the famous pianist Beethoven also utilized bone conduction technology to compose music. It was during the eighteenth century, and people had no idea about it. Beethoven was deaf in both ears. He could never hear the music composition he created. Bone conduction was a magical method that he used with the help of the stick connected to the piano. The audio principle of bone conduction depends on the transmission rate of the sound waves into the inner ear. The vibration of the head bones, including the skull and jaw helps the user recognize the sound beats and music. Thus, the technology is way more advanced than what you know!
Make a distinct choice – Think beyond the traditional types.
Bone conduction headphones and conventional headphones have distinctive features. One can find differences in the device structure and the sound transfer techniques. The traditional earphones include the eardrums, and the sound transfer process is simplistic. Whereas, the bone transfer process is complex. But the sound output is impeccable for both devices. One can use them without worries. The feature that makes the bone transfer technique one step ahead is the ease of listening to sound for those who have medical issues of hearing. People who are deaf in one ear can also use them. The sound waves in these earphones pass through the skull without involving the external auditory canal or tympanic membrane.
BLBHS142 Bone Conduction Bluetooth Open Ear Sports Headset 20hr Playtime – A perfect buy!

A bone conduction Bluetooth headset from BeLL Mobile can be the best choice with a playtime of 20 hours. It offers a robust audio performance with a lightweight body design. Ensure long hours of utility with zero inconvenience!
Closing advice
Bone-conduction headphones could be the next big thing and the ideal alternative for those struggling with hearing difficulties and medical issues! Reduces the chances of ear damage from high-note sound on the eardrums and makes the best choice.